Friday, March 18, 2011

More Hands Free Help!

First there was the hands free pumping bra.  Then the baby katan.  Now the wireless headset.  And I'm in love.

So I tried using the bud headset that came with my smart phone for a while and it seemed to work okay for calls and when I wanted to listen to music; however, the wire on them kept getting tangled and twisted up.  Plus, Jack liked to play with it when he sat on my lap.  After a while, it just wasn't working for me. 

A few weeks ago, my client asked me to call him about a work question.  I happened to be home at the time with a sick Jack.  Although Jack was quietly playing on the floor, I knew I could be in a danger zone.  Just as my client starts asking me his question, Jack started crawling over, screaming and crying.  Of course I panicked, hit the mute button, and reached down to grab my baby.  When I pulled him up, my headset detached from my phone and I couldn't hear a thing.  It felt like forever before I got my phone back to my ear so that I could listen and answer the question.  I missed it all.  I took a random guess at what he was asking and somehow I got lucky and guessed right. 

I don't think the client ever knew what happened that day, but the thought still haunts me.  It was just too close of a call.

This week I just decided to finally invest in a Bluetooth Stereo Headset.  For the $30, it's well worth it.

Motorola S305 Bluetooth Stereo Headset (Black)[Retail Packaging]

So far I love it.  I'm hands free when I make calls and I have the ability to control volume from both my phone and headset.  I can also run and listen to music now without a pesky wire!  Everyone at work will be jealous when I'm on the treadmill.

Happy Friday everyone!  Cheers to wireless chatting this weekend!


  1. Sounds like you made a good investment with the headset! Thanks for following me =) I'm following you back!

  2. Wires are so annoying when you're running! I look forward to reading more...

    I'm following you back through Bloggy Moms!

    All my mommy best ~ Gillian.xo

  3. I think anything hands free is very helpful for a mom. I can definitely relate!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm here to follow back. :D

  4. Thanks for following me at Andersons Angels I am now following you back.
