Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taking a Break

I'm a slacker.  Well, only for my blog that is.  In all honestly, I work a pretty hectic work week and of course have a small babe to take care of.  It's tough, and sometimes I have to just admit that I can't do everything.  Unfortunately what gets cut out of my life is the fun stuff, like my blog.  Tear.

I took a new job at work which I love so far, but I'm working long hours each day and on the weekends now.  Basically once Jack goes to bed I go back to work.  And I work late.  Every night.  I can't complain because I chose this route, so I need to give it the time to get better.  With that note, I may have to take a break from posting everyday.

I hope to be on from time to time posting at least once a week some great ideas and thoughts.  I hope to also share Jack's progress (how he is growing so fast)!

Don't un-follow me please!  I love this blog and my followers so much.  I just need a bit of a break to get my head above water. 

So until I post again, farewell, xoxo.


  1. I understand being so busy with LIFE. :D Hope you still get to update your blog though.

    I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award. :D Check it out on my blog, http://flippertail.blogspot.com/2011/04/im-versatile-blogger.html. Have a great day!
