Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mom Goes Out for Dinner

One of the nice perks of my gig is going out to dinner with sales reps.  Tonight I'm doing just that.  It's kind of nice that this is a "semi-requirement" of my job.  I love eating dinner with two hands, which is rare these days.  Other moms probably know what I'm talking about here.  You shovel your food in with one hand and use the other hand to shovel food into your kid's mouth! 

How nice it will be to have an adult conversation and a glass of good pinot noir.  Oh, and hopefully a nice medium steak too.

Omaha Steaks The Fantastic Feast 

I think these outings are good for baby and his daddy to spend some quality time together.  It feels good when my baby wants me, but I also try to recognize that it's important for him to want his daddy too.  In fact, sometimes I think my little dude prefers his daddy at times because he is pretty cool.  I just love the smile he puts on Jack's face when he walks in the room.

It's all about work/life balance, right?


  1. "It's all about work/life balance, right?"
    You are 100% right! It's about balance. Especially for those of us that have to work! :)
    Enjoy your dinner and your glass of wine. Nothing like a nice glass of red with dinner to make one happy!

  2. Thanks Skye! I totally agree...maybe I'll even have 2 glasses :)

  3. Hope you had a good time. Just wanted to let you know that I thanked you on my blog today for hosting the "Life as we know it" giveaway!
    thanks again!

  4. You are too sweet Michelle! Oh course! Did you get your prize yet? Let me was supposed to come this week :)

  5. Hi there! I'm following you right back girl. Love the blog. That picture looks very delicious :)

  6. I just found your blog and wanted to say hi! :) I am your newest follower! :)
