Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby's Laugh

Do you ever have a very busy day?  I know, funny joke, right?  Well that was my day today.  Throughout the day I longed to snuggle up with my little Jackson and even better, make him laugh.  His laugh makes my life so much sweeter.

Everyday something different makes Jackson laugh.  Some days tickles work the best.  Other days, peek-a-boo gets his belly chuckling.  What was tonight's secret?  Hand puppets.

I picked up some super cute hand puppets at Costco, but they also sell similar ones on Amazon.

12 DELUXE Soft Plush Velour Animal Hand Puppets - One Dozen Sealed 

My little dude has never really been into these puppets, but tonight was different.  He couldn't get enough of them.  I made little noises when I tickled him with them and he was even grabbing and hugging them.  It was too cute for words.

If I could offer a little advice to every mama out there...don't forget to celebrate your baby's laugh everyday.  I personally think the busiest days are the ones to celebrate baby's laughter the most.

1 comment:

  1. It's true! A baby's laughter is the best sound ever! I love hearing Julianna laugh - it makes me smile from ear to ear! There is nothing better than to hear that kid laugh! She's the cutest ever! :)
