I've been pretty fortunate to lose my baby weight fairly quickly. I attribute it to moderate exercise, not drinking much since having a baby, trying to save money by not eating out, and excessive pumping.
Despite my weight loss, I can tell there are still some "problem areas" I must address. And now that I'm about to get off of the pump (almost to my 6-month goal peeps), that pesky weight might sneak back on (hello my old friend red wine).
So let's outline the obstacles of losing weight while working full-time and having a baby:
-no time ever
-junk food at work (people are obsessed with cupcakes in my town)
-addicted to lattes (soy please)
-no dinero to spend on expensive healthier food or a fancy gym membership
Here is my strategy for staying fit while being a working mom with these obstacles:
1. Stock up on oats for breakfast. Just head on out to Costco and pick them up. This many oats will keep your tummy full for a freaking year. Don't be embarrassed about hauling them into work. Your co-workers are just jealous of your massive score.

2. Love that latte? Invest in a daily "skinny" latte for just pennies a day (right now if you go to Coffee House's website, you can get a 50 cents off coupon). Just add it to that crappy work coffee. It actually makes it tolerable to drink.

3. Staples. I always have cheap healthy snacks and water on hand. Dehydrated soups, natural peanut butter, and granola bars don't cost too much. I save fancy waters from my work meetings and drink it when I need a watery treat.

4. Come on. Block off your calendar over lunch and hit the gym. Don't make excuses. Luckily I work at a place with a gym. Not buying a gym membership also saves tons of cash.

There you have it. A few tips to get that lard off your butt. So get busy snacking right and hitting the elliptical. Hot mamas are coming back.
I gotta admit these are all good ideas. Right now I am learning to be a mom to a school aged child so I have to either get up early and work out or do it after dinner but I usually have my own homework and go to bed late so lol I need to stop make up reasons and just start pulling soda from my diet and go strictly water...but soda is so sugary good!
ReplyDeleteI too lost my baby weight rather quickly. Thanks to the failing gall bladder. Violent vomitting while recovering from a c-section... ugh I wish it on no one! However, I get healthy and it all started to come back on. :( Great tips. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteFollowing your blog from Bloggy Moms
It's so hard to be healthy while having a little one, no matter what age! Staying away from soda does help a lot I think.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your failing gall bladder Sara--I can't imagine. Hope you are doing better now!
Thank you both for reading :)
Following from BMs! I also lost a bunch of weight that I attributed to pumping. Your plan sounds great and if you can get lunch workouts in you are my hero! I also tried to focus on eating smaller portions since I did not need the extra calories for breastmilk.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting - I am in the same boat - with a 6 month old finding no time to take care of myself. These are great tips and a little motivation for me to do something!
ReplyDeleteFollowing you right back from bloggy moms. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
thanks for stopping by Remember Ember! Following you back! Can't wait to read more!